Yard Work with Toddlers

Digging dirt this summer!


If you have a toddler like me, don’t miss the opportunity to introduce us to working outside with you! You can get your yard cleaned while spending quality time with us – doesn’t that sound amazing?

I love helping mommy and daddy around our garden. Recently we planted more hosta plats in our front and back yard! I helped digging holes for my parents and afterwards I watered our plants! It was so much fun! I enjoyed it tremendously!

Below are some ideas for involving your toddler with yard work this summer!

  1. If you have a tree that drops seeds, nuts or simply leaves –  enlist your child to help you clean it up! I do a great job picking up leaves and then throwing them into our yard waste bag.
  2. If you’re planting, get your little involved as well! Let us dig the holes, every toddler and preschooler loves getting dirty!
  3. A final way that you can do to enlist your tot with yard work is to help you sweep the porch, deck, sidewalk, and other outdoor areas.
