Ravinia Festival with your Toddler

Classical Music for Toddlers!


On Sunday we had a nice picnic (organized by my beloved god-parents!) at the Ravinia Festival while listening to the CSO Orchestra playing Tchaikovsky, including “1812” with cannons. Ravinia hosts live concerts every summer. Located in Highland Park, IL, it is the family event in the Chicago area!

Ravinia not only target adults, but also kids of all ages, from toddlers to college students, looking to introduce us to the beauty of classical music and other performance genres. To make it a ‘hands-on’ experience for tots like me –  a “family space” on the north lawn has been provided as well! It had music-related arts and crafts, storytelling, sing-along and an “instrument petting zoo“. A hoot!

Yet my favorite were the cannons, though! At the end of the night, cannons were first fired after several strains of the Marshallese, France’s national anthem. Then overture’s familiar strains became more and more dominant as the cannons ended the piece in a Russian win. It was really loud, and I must admit that I was shocked at first but my ‘surprise’ settled quickly and I started jumping again (in tune with the cannons)!

What are your adventures this summer?