5 Reasons Why the Mother-Son Relationship is Important



  1. Secure attachment to the mother is VERY important. Studies reveal that boys who do not bond securely with their mothers in the infant years act much more hostile, destructive and aggressive later in life.
  1. Boys who are close to their mothers perform better in school. Yep, nurture is good and “babying” isn’t such a bad thing overall!
  1. A close mother-son relationship is good for a boy’s mental health. A study presented at the American Psychological Association showed that boys who are close to their mothers tend not to buy into hyper-masculine stereotypes.
  1. Teenage boys who are close to their moms engage in less risky behavior. It has long been known that good parent-teen communication can help lessen the influence of negative peer pressure.
  1. Moms who keep their sons close are setting them up for success later in life, both in personal relationships and at work.

Kate Stone Lombardi is the author of THE MAMA’S BOY MYTH: Why Keeping Our Sons Close Makes Them Stronger. (Avery/Penguin Group USA). A journalist, Ms. Lombardi is the mother of two adult children, a son and a daughter. She lives in New York with her husband, Michael.

Article via




How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Child

Happy Friday!


Today I would like to share with you “How To Spend More Quality Time With Your Child”. We live in a society where it’s really easy to get ‘burned out’. Most parents are exhausted from the week after school activities, dinner, homework, bath time, bedtime. All on top of your own job (or jobs) and other realities of adulthood.

However, I’m telling you stop worrying about how many minutes you can spend with your children each day – but instead – I want you to focus on turning those minutes into memorable moments. Parents often compensate for having such a small quantity of time by scheduling “quality time.” Two hours at the nature preserve. An afternoon at the movies. Dinner at a restaurant. But the truth is that quality time may occur when you least expect it — yes, at the nature preserve, but also in the car on the way home from work.

This being said: You can ALWAYS find time to make time precious.

Have a great weekend!



Love is in the air



Happy Monday!

I hope all of you had a fabulous weekend! As always, my parents and I spent some quality time together. On Sunday we visited Waukegan’s art district and afterwards we went to the Harbor which was really nice! The weather was perfect to be by the lake and I even got to walk our puppies! Highlight, though? Receiving a smooch from my mommy, of course!

Have a great week and thank you so much for stopping by!



Bass Pro Next Generation Fishing Event

Well, hello there, Monday!


I cannot believe that the weekend is already over…I had so much fun! My parents + god-parents took me to Bass Pro Shop where they held a special fishing event yesterday! They had a catch and release pond where you could practice your fishing skills (über-fun!), a free kids’ fishing workshop (I won a hat and cool sunglasses, see picture!), and I got free photos (fishing certificate) and a free kids’ fishing tackle box!

I was beyond happy but it didn’t end here, of course! Afterwards my god-parents decided to take me and my parents to the Rainforest Café and I LOVED it! More aquariums + wildlife! Woo-hoo! I couldn’t have been more excited!

This being said…I’m grateful for my family who truly take the time to make my weekend(s) AWESOME!

I Love You, Mommy, Daddy, Bubbe and Opa!



12 Amazing Capsules Farm Animals

Just place in warm water & watch!


Yesterday my dad surprised me with 12 Amazing Capsules Farm Animals (which he got for just $1 at Jewel Osco)! By now you probably know how obsessed I am with animals –  so, this present was spot on!

How it works

You drop the capsules in warm water (adult supervision with warm/hot water) and watch as the capsule ‘creatures’ begin to grow and take shape! In just a few minutes my animals already started to appear!

It’s a lot of fun and the perfect surprise for your children!

To purchase click here.



Role Playing Games

Choo Choo!


I’ve been watching mommy and daddy for my whole life now and I’m OH-SO ready to start my own imagination games that either mirror our home life and/or outside life. My latest obsession?

Choo choo trains!

I turned my room into a train station with me being the ticket conductor! Come visit me and watch the magic happen! My parents are happy to play the “role play” game with me and I must admit: It’s fun to boss them around every once in a while!

What are your favorite games?



Happy New Year

Happy 2014!

imageDear Friends,

Today I’m sharing one of my favorite picture(s) with you. It’s me (3 months old) and my mommy in NYC.  This picture pretty much sums it up how I feel felt (I can’t believe I’m using past tense!!) about 2013 and the things I’m grateful for, like my parents.

In 2013 we traveled overseas three times and we had a couple of road trips within the U.S. as well. My parents do not shy away to travel the world with me but instead teach me the importance of it. My grandfather, who I never got to meet, unfortunately used to say that everyone “should find the time to smell foreign air”. We couldn’t agree with this more, including our pups who joined us on our trip to Canada!

This being said…I hope all of you have fond memories of 2013 and remember: We’re all writing our own life stories, so write wisely, and don’t forget to smell foreign air!

Wish you all a happy 2014!

