Love is in the air



Happy Monday!

I hope all of you had a fabulous weekend! As always, my parents and I spent some quality time together. On Sunday we visited Waukegan’s art district and afterwards we went to the Harbor which was really nice! The weather was perfect to be by the lake and I even got to walk our puppies! Highlight, though? Receiving a smooch from my mommy, of course!

Have a great week and thank you so much for stopping by!



Playground Safety for Toddlers

Facts and Tips for Parents of Toddlers and Preschoolers.


If your family is like mine, you are probably spending a lot of time at playgrounds now that summer time is here. I love playgrounds! My favorite activity is going down the slides!

Playgrounds offer us the opportunity to explore, to have fun and to develop our gross motor abilities – yet a lot of accidents happen at playgrounds too. The CDC estimates more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger make a trip to the Emergency Room each year due to playground-related injuries; and an estimated 8,250 of those children are under the age of 2 years old.

This being said – make sure you’re there to supervise your child(ren)!

  • Inspect the equipment and make sure all the hardware is in place
  • Make sure there is protective surfacing underneath the equipment
  • Read signs about which age group the equipment is intended
  • Be aware of any spaces that could entrap children, such as openings in guardrails or in between ladder rungs
  • Look for any tripping hazards, like rocks or tree stumps
  • Inspect your child’s clothing and make sure they don’t have any drawstrings on their clothing that might get tangled on playground equipment
  • Make sure your child is wearing appropriate foot wear (flip-flops aren’t safe for playgrounds!)
  • Teach your child to use the equipment the correct way: “Climb up the ladder and go down the slide.”

Happy Playing!

The Importance Of Family Time

Happily Ever Laughter!


With today’s busy lifestyles, many parents or even grandparents forget about the importance of spending quality time with their (grand-) children.

“Quality time” is based on love and care; it is spent focusing attention on the other person and sharing thoughts and feelings.

I love spending quality time with my parents. They are awesome! They don’t shy away to expose me to as many different things as possible and I know that I am loved unconditionally. Toddlers like me are very easy to understand, really.

The ‘cry’ of a toddler is like, “Love me for who I am, not for what I do. Love me, even when I am naughty because I need you”.

That doesn’t mean that you have to approve of everything we do, but be understanding and loving even when we misbehave. You know – we’re young and don’t always understand everything.

Your time, acceptance, love and care means the world to us – provide us with all four and you’ll have the happiest toddler(s) around!

Road Trip With Your Toddler

Greetings from Niagara Falls!


My parents and I love adventures, in fact, we love it so much (!) that we went on a road trip to the Niagara Falls!

I’m aware that a road trip with your tot(s) doesn’t sound as appealing at first – but I’ve listed a few things below that might help you make your trip as relaxed as possible!

Things You Need for the Car Ride

  1. Snacks, lots of snacks!
  2. Juice boxes
  3. Antibacterial wipes, i.e. baby wipes for your hands after eating, diaper changes (you get the picture)
  4. Sunshades, if your car doesn’t have them
  5. Music for toddlers (we don’t like the music you listen to except for “Gangnam Style”)
  6. Diaper bag
  7. Extra clothing
  8. Paper towels
  9. Interactive toys (I brought my LeapFrog LeapPad2 Explorer)
  10. Books

Other Thoughts

Be sure to plan your route and where you might want to eat (Subway, McDonalds, etc.). Also, give your toddler(s) pit stops to stretch. No one likes to sit in one spot for large amounts of time, even parents!

Happy Traveling!

Toddler Cues

Scrunched-up nose? Pay attention to our cues!


Even before we start talking, we, i.e. toddlers, do tell you what we want! In fact, we are filled with cues – just pay attention and you’ll see! We are known for “making faces” – from smiling, frowning and scrunching up our noses! I certainly scrunch my nose every now and then (combined with sounds such as cooing, crying and/or grunting). We also move a lot (if you haven’t noticed it by now!); we move our bodies to reach out, turn away, push up or push down.

So, these are my cues to you! I hope you find them helpful – but now it’s your turn!

What are some cues you’ve discovered with your toddler(s)?